White Rabbit Switch - Testing News

White Rabbit Switch - Testing

Torture Report


White Rabbit Switch - Testing

WR.V2 802.1Q

A total of 15 test cases were run to verify the functional behavior of the Basic Filtering Services based on requirements stated on the 802.1Q PICS Protocol Implementation Conformance Statements.

White Rabbit Switch - Testing

Jabber Meeting 22/02/2012


White Rabbit Switch - Testing

Design Proposal for the Networking Testbencher

Documents uploaded

White Rabbit Switch - Testing

Jabber Meeting 07/02/12

You will find attached the log of today’s jabber meeting. Quick summary: - We will deal with production tests first. - Many of them will need bare metal in the ARM CPU, i.

White Rabbit Switch - Testing

Test Framework comparsion

Alessandro has compared different Test Framworks, see in files tag