White Rabbit Switch - Software News
White Rabbit Switch - Software
WR Switch firmware release v4.0 is out
We are happy to announce that the stable v4.0 release of the WR Switch
firmware is out. As usual you can find all the links to download the
firmware binaries and manuals on our release wiki page:
White Rabbit Switch - Software
wr-switch-sw release 4.0 rc1
we finally tagged wr-switch-sw-v4.0-rc1 and made an official release.
What is it?
- wr-switch-sw
It is the package for the complete “firmware” that runs in a white
rabbit switch. It includes all the ARM software in source form, the
LM32 binary for the PLL code built from source in wrpc-sw, the
complete gateware for the switch, built from other ohwr repositories.
White Rabbit Switch - Software
wr-switch-sw, release 3.3
We are happy to announce that we have v3.3 of WR Switch firmware
released. We chose to jump from v3.1 ro v3.3 in order to match
the hardware releases – but this software package works on both 3.2 and
hardwareof the box.
White Rabbit Switch - Software
wr-switch-sw-v3.1 is released
This is a bug fix release over v3.0, which was not really stable after
a few days of uptime (and back then we didn’t have time to test it).
The installation script is simplified, error management is better,
most of all it fixes the nand-related issues, and a big bug of mine.
White Rabbit Switch - Software
wr-switch-sw-v3.0 is released
This release is the work of myself, Federico Vaga, Benoit Rat and Tomasz
in no particular order (and with contributions by others).
The HDL code in the switch it mainly by Tomasz Wlostowski but
also includes parts by Grzegorz Daniluk and other developers.
White Rabbit Switch - Software
release candidate 3 of wr-switch-sw
The complete software support for the switch is almost ready.
Several switches are operational in production. The official release
is expected to happen in a few days, after we compete the
of documentation and simplify the configuration of the boot loader.
White Rabbit Switch - Software
wr-switch-software will now undergo major revision
Exploiting an exceptionally quiet perion in svn activities, I pushed the
current software code
before I’ll start merging quite some stuff in this repository. Build
scripts, testing and such
stuff will be integrated, but I’ll take a few days (up to a week) before
I may really push to
a public repository.
White Rabbit Switch - Software
nic driver was born (long live nic driver)
The nic driver is currently sending and receiving packets
(I mean, the vhdl part does it, the driver not yet.
However, it’s not committed yet, as I’m working on it.