White Rabbit News
White Rabbit
23-10-2013: First WR project newsletter published
The first WR project newsletter has been published. The newsletter is made of voluntary contributions from people who are developing or using WR technology. The style is informal and aims at giving a quick snapshot of where the project is and where it’s heading.
White Rabbit
16-08-2013: 1000 km link transfers UTC(MIKES)
The 1000 km White Rabbit link under test by MIKES and CSC (that operates FUNET) in Finland is actually quite a system as Mr. Merimaa from MIKES explains:
The WR-master is actually referenced to UTC (MIKE), so that we have (some kind of) representation of UTC (MIKE) in Kajaani even now! And not just a second, but the time of day as well.
White Rabbit
15-08-2013: A 1000 km link up and running
The Finnish Metrology Institute MIKES has set up a White Rabbit link between two PCs that are connected with a 1000 (one thousand!) kilometer link. This work is a collaboration between MIKES and CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd that operates FUNET (the Finnish University Network.
White Rabbit
14-08-2013: WR running on official Dutch national timescale
The Dutch Metrology Institute VSL has set up
their first White Rabbit link running between two PCs.
The GrandMaster PC is now synchronized to the Dutch national timescale
and the Slave PC is synchronized to the GrandMaster over a 5 km fiber
spool. On the slave, one connector is defined as output 1PPS. This
signal is compared back to the timescale with a time interval counter.
The experiment is now set up that the counter will automatically measure
the difference every 30 minutes. VSL will let this run for some time to
observe the stability of this link.
White Rabbit
11-07-2013: WR based TDC system demonstrated in China
Our friends in Tsinghua University demonstrated a distributed time-stamping system with sub-ns accuracy. You can see a video at http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTc2MDc5ODA4.html
White Rabbit
7-5-2013: Job offer for developer
Embedded Systems Developer, MSc or Diploma in electronics,
computer-science or equivalent
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Darmstadt,
The main task for the position is the development of a high-precision time synchronization and event distribution system based on White Rabbit PTP, in particular the development of VHDL or embedded software that is required to bridge the gap from FPGAs to higher levels of the control system stack.
White Rabbit
21-02-2013: GSI receives V3.3 switches
GSI in Germany has received their first production quality V3.3 switches. They were connected to V3.2 switches (upstream) and to another node (downstream) and it worked in a plug and play fashion. GSI was also happy to see that their input for improvements to the switch were all taken into account.
White Rabbit
24-01-2013: switch passes CE label tests
The White Rabbit switch v3.3. passed successfully all the electrical tests related with power, electrical safety, labels, etc… related to the CE label for industrial facilities. Last year it had already passed all the EMI tests (emission, etc).
White Rabbit
10-01-2013: LHAASO extends WR usage to 7344 nodes
LHAASO, the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observation project will be deploying 10,000 detectors over 1 square km in China. LHAASO has confirmed using WRhite Rabbit for all detectors, including WCDA. The total number of nodes increased to 7344 via 583 WR switches. Four subsystems should be separated via VLAN, and the redundancy configurations similar to CERN should be applied.