White Rabbit News
White Rabbit
7-11-2014: VLBI workshop presents 4 x WR
The Third International VLBI Technology Workshop will feature four presentations (out of 55) and one poster that feature White Rabbit.
These workshops, which evolved from the highly successful 10-year series of International e-VLBI workshops, aim to encompass all areas of hardware or software development relevant to VLBI.
White Rabbit
13-10-2014: Workshop presentations available
The Eighth White Rabbit Workshop was held at CERN on 6 and 7 October
2014. It discussed applications and developments of the White Rabbit
All the presentations are available at the Workshop
White Rabbit
15-09-2014: WR part of NI's long-term strategy
Jim Truchard, president, CEO and cofounder of National Instruments said in his keynote speech at NI week:
Technology from advanced-physics research institute CERN will form part of National Instruments’ long-term strategy to improve the ability of distributed systems to support real-time control. … White Rabbit offers a tremendous opportunity to get into the nanosecond range and we are working intensely to bring this capability to distributed systems.
White Rabbit
04-09-2014: Job offer at GSI
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
GSI is a heavy ion research center. The laboratory performs basic and applied research in physics and related natural science disciplines using a large, in many aspects worldwide unique particle accelerator facility. GSI is now inviting qualified candidates (m/f) to apply for the following post:
White Rabbit
28-08-2014: VSL sends out Press Release
Researchers of the National Measurement Institute VSL in Delft and the VU University Amsterdam managed to synchronise a clock of the Nikhef, the National Institute for Subatomic Physics, in Amsterdam with the atomic clock of VSL in Delft. The synchronisation took place via a 135 km long optical fibre link using the so-called White Rabbit protocol. This protocol allows clocks to be synchronised with the caesium clocks at VSL. The precise synchronisation between Delft and Amsterdam is a first step. In the future, this technique should be available throughout the Netherlands.
White Rabbit
13-08-2014: WR Calibration Procedure v1.0 is out
After publishing two drafts for comments, we’re now happy to announce that v1.0 of the “White Rabbit calibration procedure” document is available on OHWR. You can download it from the Documents section of the main White Rabbit project page.
White Rabbit
04-03-2014: Greetings from Siberia!
We received the following message from DESY who has a test setup for the HiSCORE-Tunka experiment:
Btw, Greetings from Siberia:
our 9 WR-field stations doing an excellent job!
First physics calibrations, sending a light beam over hundreds of meters
to our station grid (0.3x0.3km2 grid).
WR clocks look excellent.
More info about their setup can be found under DESY at the White Rabbit
committed users
White Rabbit
17-12-2013: WR link between CERN sites for test purposes
We have recently managed to get a fiber link deployed between the two CERN sites: Prevessin (France) and Meyrin (Switzerland). It goes from our lab to the CERN Control Center, then under the border to building near the CERN Globe of Science and Innovation and back the same way to our lab. It is a real fiber installation of about 9 km length in total. We will use it for long term tests of White Rabbit. Since it’s no longer a roll of fiber in the lab, we can check for example the stability of tracking the link changes due to temperature variations over days, weeks and even months.
White Rabbit
06-11-2013: WR goes to see the galaxy
Martin Bruckner and Ralf Wischnewski from DESY has presented at the 33rd International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2013) several articles describing a White Rabbit setup used for the HiSCORE-Tunka detector. This HiSCORE detector, a new non-imaging wide-angle Air-Cherenkov ground based array, is currently in its engineering phase. Time synchronization to nsec-level between detector stations, distributed over 10-100km2, is essential to reach best angular resolution for high energy gamma rays.