OHR Support News

OHR Support

OHWR maintenance delayed to 2010-10-03 (Monday)

added by Enrique García on 2010-10-01 12:18:41.355747 The ohwr maintenance has been delayed due to technical difficulties. Conditions are the same as before: start around 8:30 am CEST and 30 minutes (approximately) of downtime.

OHR Support

OHWR maintenance on 2010-10-01 morning (Friday)

added by Francisco Juan on 2010-09-29 11:22:16.709198 We’ll be performing upgrade tasks on the ohwr.org server. This upgrade will fix the mailing list tab localization problem. The maintenance work will start around 8:30 am CEST and the site will be down for 30 minutes (approximately).

OHR Support

OHWR maintenance on 2010-09-03 morning (Friday)

added by Francisco Juan on 2010-09-01 17:20:49.461198 We’ll be performing upgrade tasks on the ohwr.org site. The maintenance work will start around 8:30 am CEST and the site will be down for 30 minutes (approximately).

OHR Support

OHWR maintenance on 2010-08-23 morning (Monday)

added by Francisco Juan on 2010-08-20 09:18:12.236301 We’ll be updating ohwr.org for allowing Git repositories. The maintenance work will start around 8:30 am CEST and the site will be down for 30 minutes (approximately).

OHR Support

OHWR maintenance on 2010-08-06 morning (friday)

added by Enrique García on 2010-08-05 09:53:46.236398 We’ll be performing upgrade tasks on the ohwr site tomorrow morning. The maintenance work will start around 8:30 am CET. The site will be down for 1 hour.

OHR Support

The Open Source Hardware Draft v0.3 is out

The Open Source Hardware Draft v0.3 is out. This license was produced by the holders of the Open Source Hardware Summit. The estimated date for the release of v1.0 is September the 24th 2010.

OHR Support

OHWR maintenance on 2010-06-14 morning (monday)

added by Enrique García on 2010-06-10 15:34:25.034185 The site will be down for upgrade next monday. The expected downtime is 1 hour, from 9am to 10am CET.

OHR Support

OHWR maintenance on 2010-04-18 morning (monday)

added by Enrique García on 2010-04-15 10:18:42.355392 Maintenance tasks are required in order to apply several fixes to the site. The site will be down for around 1 hour, starting at 9:00 a.

OHR Support

White Rabbit and FMC kit presented in Berkeley Lab

The White Rabbit network was presented in UC Berkeley to the Ptides team in the EECS Department on 25 February. Another presentation (see slides) was held the next day in Berkeley Lab, with members of the ALS team.