White Rabbit Starting Kit

White Rabbit is an extension to Ethernet network with sub-nanosecond accurate synchronization and gigabit rate data transfer speed. You can find more information on White Rabbit technology and use-cases on:


Benoit Rat

Latest News

wr-starting-kit-v2.0 is released

The second wr-starting-kit release is now available and it is tagged wr-starting-kit-v2.0 !!! The pdf can be found here: wr-starting-kit-v2.0.pdf It has been tested under Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu 12.04 (LTS versions), and Seven Solutions now ship it with a USB pendrive to test it without any installation.

wr-starting-kit-v1.0 is released

This project is mainly about where to find information and how to use the different projects for the SPEC+DIO board. You can download the files corresponding to release v1.0: the documentation: wr-starting-kit-v1.