
UV-watch is a fully open watch project featuring an calibrated UV-light sensor. It will give an alarm when it detects dangerous levels of UV light and is meant for people with a highly sensitive skin.**
The full design (electronics, mechanics and software) is available under free licenses and the design is exclusively made with free tools.

The project started when the need came up during ThePort hackathon 2015.

To be informed of the latest developments, and participate in the discussions, please subscribe to the mailing list.

|:/project/f-watch/uploads/b38279b662f225220464afafbb4fb3bd/fwatch-full-side.jpg :/project/f-watch/uploads/5b12b0d8cffdedf599d2e3909be6fd41/fwatch_side.png /> :/project/f-watch/uploads/b909a627165611b57d63571275c1199c/fwatch-top.jpg :/project/f-watch/uploads/c7f4fb026b4206ef68cdd8448a8ede4a/flyer.jpg |:/project/f-watch/uploads/5b12b0d8cffdedf599d2e3909be6fd41/fwatch_side.png /> :/project/f-watch/uploads/b909a627165611b57d63571275c1199c/fwatch-top.jpg :/project/f-watch/uploads/c7f4fb026b4206ef68cdd8448a8ede4a/flyer.jpg |:/project/f-watch/uploads/c7f4fb026b4206ef68cdd8448a8ede4a/flyer.jpg

Example of how the watch can look like, based on the f*watch (click picture to enlarge)*


Javier Serrano