SPI Boards Package

SPI Boards Package is a set of electronic boards developed at Soleil Synchrotron (France). These boards can be connected together in a daisy chain and they communicate with an embedded controller via an SPI Bus. They provide the following features:

- Platform allowing us to build specific solutions with simple and open tools.

- Modular architecture.

- Provide solutions for applications which require synchronization.

- Low level process implementation to achieve better performance.
- Easy Control network connection

The main CPU board contains a microprocessor. It manages a task for communication with the supervision, an embedded process and SPI communication with the peripheral boards.
We have a modular approach that means we can make various Peripheral board combinations between 16-bit DAC, 16-bit ADC, and a calculator board for motor encoder.

Actual boards available in the Package:
> * SPICONTOLLER, the controller board for the package.
> * SPIETBOX, a processing board for motor encoders.
> * SPIADC, 16-bit ADC boards (Not yet available on OHWR).
> * SPIDAC, 16-bit DAC boards (Not yet available on OHWR).


Javier Serrano

Latest News

News about SPICONTROLLER firmware & applications

Find on the wiki page a new section about SPICONTROLLER describing >> * SOLEIL implementation of SPICONTROLLER Firmware >> * The protocol use to communicate with a TANGO client >> * A description of the feedfoward architecture for HU640 and EMPHU insertion devices.

SPICONTROLLER second prototype delivered !

After the correction of few bugs identified on the first prototype of the board, the second prototype of SPICONTROLLER had been delivered. After power up the board, RTX OS create the TCP task and it can talk to the Soleil Control System.