
ARRAY - Firmware

A system to characterise large area silicon pad sensors with several hundred channels

ARRAY - Hardware

A system to characterise large area silicon pad sensors with several hundred channels

ARRAY - LabVIEW Interface

A system to characterise large area silicon pad sensors with several hundred channels

Artix Trivial FMC Carrier ATFC

Simple low cost, low complexity FPGA carrier board with FMC LPC connector based around a Xilinx Artix-7



The AsyncArt Project is comprised by a set of Open-Source HDL libraries and examples targeted to the efficient implementation of Globally Asynchronous, Locally Synchronous (GALS) design architectures over Commercial-Off-The-Shelf FPGA devices


This project presents a hardware architecture for the computation of bottom-up inherent visual attention for FPGA


BabyWR is being developed as a cost effective and small pluggable WR node

Beam Position Monitor

The Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) is currently designing a third-generation 3 GeV low emmitance synchrotron light source in Campinas, Brazil, called Sirius, with commissioning due to 2018


Beam Positoning Monitor - Gateware

This project holds the Beam Position Monitor (BPM) Gateware