

Level conversion circuits

The level conversion board project hosts a set of boards in VME form factor, with additional remote diagnostics/monitoring via I2C

LHC Instability Trigger Distribution LIST

LIST is a general purpose trigger distribution system based on White Rabbit.* The latency between reception and transmission of a trigger is done with a low and notably fixed latency, with an accuracy of better than 1 ns

Libre Filter Design and Analysis Tool

Libre-FDATool is a Python package aimed at helping in the analysis and design of HDL filters from high-level specifications


LIBSFP is a software library that contains generic functions to access Small Formfactor Plugable (SFP) devices via I2C according to standards



Putting files on the Web is not enough when you want to share hardware designs

Local descriptor cores

The local image descriptor cores compute the energy, phase, and orientation for every input image


Low-level RF Servo control

The LRFSC card takes an analog signal from a pickup in a Radio Frequency accelerating cavity, compares that signal with a set point and drives an amplifier to correct the field in the cavity


LUVI is a robust handheld Low UV Intensity meter meant for people with a highly sensitive skin to check if they are in a UV-free environment


WorldFIP is a fieldbus widely used at CERN; there are more than 10’000 WorldFIP nodes installed all around the LHC