nanoFIP Test Board

The nanoFIP test board (NFTC) is used to test the functionality of the nanoFIP design. The board can also be used to perform tests under a focused radiation beam. The board has been designed by the company HLP.

To simplify radiation tests, the board is compatible with the sample frame of PSI.

The PCI FIP card 2.4 and FipDesigner software, both from HLP, will be used to drive the WorldFIP bus during tests.


Erik van der Bij

Latest News

12-04-2011: 20 V2 cards received

20 NFTC boards pre-validated at HLP have been received and are now being tested

21-03-2011: V2 prototype validated

Two V2 test boards were received by HLP on Tuesday 15th March. HLP validated them and shipped one board to CERN; it was received on Friday March 18th. At CERN the test board has been tested in memory loopback mode, 124 bytes, 5ms macrocycle and has performed more than 42.

08-03-2011: 20 test boards ordered

Twenty NanoFIP test boards are ordered. These boards will be an improved version of the prototype that is working since July 2010. This version has more test points and can also be used to test the foreseen JTAG programming extension of the NanoFIP.