Gennum GN4124 core

This project aims to provide a Wishbone master generic interface for FMC projects controlled by a PCI express access.


Matthieu Cattin


Latest News

4-02-2014: Pre-release of GN4124 core

A new release of the Gennum PCIe interface chip to Wishbone core has been made. The most important change is that if one addresses a non-existant location, the core will reply with 0xFFFFFFFF instead of making your system freeze.

05-01-2012: Gennum allows open publishing of modified cores

CERN has adapted for its particular applications the original GN4124 VHDL and Verilog examples from Gennum. Alan Hutton, Gennum director of Global Distribution Sales & Marketing, has given CERN the green light to publish this modified code as open source.

CERN's PFC card on Gennum's blog

CERN’s PFC card and the Gennum to Wishbone core is featured on Gennum’s GN4124 Design blog (link no longer available)