Furnarius Rufus PCB Milling Machine

The Furnarius Rufus PCB Milling Machine is a ‘CNC":http://en.wikipedia.org/wikis/Numerical_control instrument capable of making printed circuit board tracks that are used in electronic hardware. Such tracks create necessary isolation so that there is only electric contact between the desired components, which will further be placed and soldered on the circuit board. This machine has as its main attribute the fact of being an open hardware equipment: anyone can build it without violating any copyrights and the information necessary to do so is found in this wiki.
This machine is designed to be low cost without compromising quality, intended to be easy to use and to build. It is named after Furnarius Rufus, an oven bird that builds its nest with mud, much alike an 3D printer, as a symbolism to freedom of making, learning, contributing, and sharing.
The project is part of an effort to develop an open workbench for cientific and educational instrumentation. Further information on the open workbench can be found in the page Work group for development of open workbench at Wikiversity.


Germano Postal


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FR PCB Milling Machine V1.0 Released

We would like to invite all interested in open hardware to help us build a community of users, makers, and developers around an Open Source Printed Circuit Board prototyping machine.