FMC TDC 1ns 5cha
The FMC TDC 1ns 5cha Time to Digital Converter mezzanine board houses 5
input channels. It can calculate time differences between pulses
arriving to the channels with a precision of ±700 ps.
It can be carried by any of the carrier boards:
SVEC. It is implemented using
a dedicated time-to-digital converter chip from the European company
SVEC carrier with two slots for TDC mezzanines and SPEC carrier with one slot for a TDC mezzanine (more TDC views )
- v8 Performance
- v7 Hardware, Gateware and Software long runs on SVEC
- v7 TDC Precision
- v7 TDC Performance
- How to set up the spec and fmc tdc with epics
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Latest News
02-02-2012: V2 design ready
Based on the experience with the V1 prototype, nine
Issues were found.
Corrections have been made to the schematics and PCB layout and these
will be reviewed on 7 February. After this CERN’s design office will
generate the final production files.
The firmware VHDL code is under thorough review and production test
software has to be written. This work should be ready by the end of the
30-05-2011: 3 prototypes assembled
Three prototypes of the Time to Digital converter have been built. We made a start of the VHDL coding for use on the SPEC PCI Express FMC carrier.
18-03-2011: Schematics design review held
After a first global schematics review in the week before, a second schematics design review was held with five engineers who found a few details that will improve the functioning and the documentation of the schematics. The PCB layout will likely start in a week’s time.