CERN Open Hardware Licence

Myriam Ayass, legal adviser of the Knowledge and Technology Transfer Group at CERN and author of the CERN OHL:

The CERN–OHL is to hardware what the free and open-source licences are to software. It defines the conditions under which a licensee will be able to use or modify the licensed material. It shares the same principles as free software or open-source software: anyone should be able to see the source – the design documentation in the case of hardware – study it, modify it and share it.

The CERN Open Hardware Licence was originally written for CERN designs hosted in the Open Hardware Repository. It can also be used by any designer wishing to share design information using a licence compliant with the OSHW definition criteria. If you would like to contribute to make it better, please subscribe to the Discourse forum and submit any issue you may have.


Javier Serrano

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