24-01-2019: WR Job vacancy at Besancon Observatory
A 1-year postdoctoral position is available at the Besancon Observatory
(France, 47.241499034N 5.987162718E) on time transfer.
While the original interest lies in using GNSS for time transfer,
including security aspects of GNSS spoofing and multi-constellation data
fusion, we wish to extend the work on White Rabbit time transfer from a
user perspective.
Indeed, a WR network spanning from the FEMTO-ST Time & Frequency
department to the Besancon
and teaching department of the university is operational and is now to
be used for distributed signal generation and radiofrequency signal
acquisition. Thus, the work would focus on using existing White Rabbit
enabled ADC hardware, WR-synchronized DDS and data transfer.
If interested, please contact JM Friedt for further information.
JM Friedt - jmfriedt@femto-st.fr
FEMTO-ST Time & Frequency/SENSeOR, 26 rue de l’Epitaphe, 25000 Besancon,