12-11-2015: WR used in seismic measurements

CERN is trying to decide whether they can start Civil Engineering for the Hi-Luminosity project while the beam is on. The alignment of magnets is very delicate in the LHC and very slight variations thereof can produce beam instabilities. This is important because the potential impact on the overall schedule is big. The CERN EN-MME group has teamed up with the city of Geneva to have a shaker truck shake the ground and feel the impact down in the pit at point 1 (ATLAS), so as to have an indication of what to expect during real civil engineering work. The excitation and the sensors are separated by a few hundred meters, and they need to be synchronized, which is why they requested a WR link.

The WR team received the following report:
As it was planned in the best schedule, the first set of vibration measurements was performed on 12 November during core drilling operation at point 1. We took measurements for several depths 10,20,30,40,50 and 60m. Seismic sensors connected to spectrum analyzer in UJ16 were perfectly synchronized with the same equipment at the surface thanks to BE-CO team.

Equipment used in this project:

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