12-06-2015: first beam with WR based timing system at GSI
GSI in Germany reported that for
the first time there is a beam in the injector of CRYRING at GSI
controlled by a White Rabbit based timing system.
The White Rabbit system controls the beam chopper of the CRYRING linac
section YRLE
and triggers the data acquisition of beam instrumentation to detect the
signal of the pulsed beam after the chopper
“This is an incredible milestone, reaching the destination that was envisioned seven years ago when the White Rabbit project was set up “[3]":http://indico.cern.ch/event/28233/ “, Erik van der Bij said, “from the start, GSI, CERN and numerous partners from institutes and industry have been working in a tight collaboration to make this happen”.
[3] http://indico.cern.ch/event/28233/