12-06-2015: first beam with WR based timing system at GSI

GSI in Germany reported that for the first time there is a beam in the injector of CRYRING at GSI controlled by a White Rabbit based timing system.
The White Rabbit system controls the beam chopper of the CRYRING linac section YRLE “[1]":https://www-acc.gsi.de/wikis/Timing/TimingSystemGroupsAndMachines#CRYRING and triggers the data acquisition of beam instrumentation to detect the signal of the pulsed beam after the chopper “[2]":https://www-acc.gsi.de/wikis/pub/Timing/WebHome/YRT1DC2_2015-06-09_16-28-26.049.png.

“This is an incredible milestone, reaching the destination that was envisioned seven years ago when the White Rabbit project was set up “[3]":http://indico.cern.ch/event/28233/ “, Erik van der Bij said, “from the start, GSI, CERN and numerous partners from institutes and industry have been working in a tight collaboration to make this happen”.

[1] https://www-acc.gsi.de/wikis/Timing/TimingSystemGroupsAndMachines#CRYRING
[2] https://www-acc.gsi.de/wikis/pub/Timing/WebHome/YRT1DC2_2015-06-09_16-28-26.049.png
[3] http://indico.cern.ch/event/28233/