14-08-2013: WR running on official Dutch national timescale

The Dutch Metrology Institute VSL has set up their first White Rabbit link running between two PCs.
The GrandMaster PC is now synchronized to the Dutch national timescale and the Slave PC is synchronized to the GrandMaster over a 5 km fiber spool. On the slave, one connector is defined as output 1PPS. This signal is compared back to the timescale with a time interval counter. The experiment is now set up that the counter will automatically measure the difference every 30 minutes. VSL will let this run for some time to observe the stability of this link.

“First results already show a Time Deviation TDEV that is going below 10 ps! That’s impressive!”, Erik Dierikx from VSL commented.

This is the first step of a program to build a 120 km long White Rabbit link from VSL Delft to Amsterdam, a collaboration between the VU University, SURFnet, VSL Delft, TU Eindhoven and NIKHEF. The project aims to provide optical traceability to SI units of time, frequency and length to academic community