Learn about Rhino in South Africa

The University of Cape Town, Stellenbosch University, and the Square Kilometer Array South Africa (SKA-SA) are organizing the 1st annual Workshop on High Performance Signal Processing (WHPSP) to be held at the University of Cape Town 28-31 January 2013. The workshop is three and a half days. Industry or acedemic partners that are not able to attend the whole conference are most welcome to join in the panel discussion held on 31 January at 9am. The conference focuses on signal processing for high performance applications based on FPGA-accelerator platforms, and will feature both local and international speakers. Tutorials on FPGA-based processing systems, including a tutorial on using the Rhino platform, will be available for participation.

This workshop is open to anyone with a background in signal processing. Limited financial support is available for students outside of Cape Town, and all students meeting selection criteria are encouraged to apply. If this email is misdirected, please could you forward it to all potentially interested parties, including relevant undergraduate and postgraduate students. See the website for more information: https://sites.google.com/site/hpdspworkshopcpt2012/.