
White Rabbit

Tutorial at ICALEPCS conference in October

The ICALEPCS organizing committee will organize a pre-conference workshop on WR in Barcelona in October. We intend to make this more of a “WR tutorial.” and we think there will be something to learn and discuss for everybody: newcomers, casual users and even experts.

CERN BE-CO-HT contribution to KiCad

Support of free software in public institutions:

At the Octave conference in Geneva the presentation Support of free software in public institutions: the KiCad case will be given by Javier Serrano and Tomasz Wlostowski from CERN. KiCad is a tool to help electronics designers develop Printed Circuit Boards (PCB).

White Rabbit core collection

White Rabbit PTP Core v4.0 released

We have just released v4.0 of the WR PTP Core. You can find all the links to download the reference designs binaries and user manual on our release wiki page

White Rabbit

23-02-2017: WR Job vacancy at CERN

CERN has opened a vacancy for a job that is very much White Rabbit related: Electronics and networking engineer Furthermore another, more general HDL developer job is opened: HDL Developer

GBT-based Expandable Front-End GEFE

Radiation test results of GEFE @ RadWG meeting (07/07/16)

The results of the radiation test performed to the GEFE v2 at the CHARM facility at CERN have been presented during the Radiation Working Group (RadWG) meeting on the 07/07/16 at CERN

GBT-based Expandable Front-End GEFE

The GEFE project @ RADECS16 (from 19/09/16 to 23/09/16)

A poster of the GEFE project has been displayed during the RADiation Effects on Components & Systems (RADECS) 2016 conference, held at Bremen from 19/09/16 to 23/09/16. The poster can be downloaded from the “DOCUMENTS” section of this site.

White Rabbit Switch - Software

WR Switch firmware v5.0 released

The new stable release v5.0 of the WR Switch firmware comes this year as a Christmas present. As always, you can find all the links to download the firmware binaries and manuals on our release wiki page

OHR Meta Project

"High Energy Physics and Open Source engineering"

Andrea Borga from NIKHEF has presented High Energy Physics and Open Source engineering, accelerate shared knowledge at OSSHC 2016, the first edition of the yearly Open Source Software en Hardware Congres for the Benelux countries.

OHR Meta Project

"Open Hardware and Collaboration"

Javier Serrano will give a Keynote presentation at the PCaPAC conference. Open Source Hardware (OSHW) follows the lead of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and has similar goals: ensuring developers can share their work without artificial hurdles, improving quality through peer review, avoiding vendor lock-in and providing for a fair playground in which projects can thrive and accommodate contributions without compromising their long-term future.