
Simple PCIe FMC carrier SPEC

First DMA transfer to/from DDR3

A first DMA transfer to the SPEC DDR3 and back to the host has been done this morning. The DDR3 interface seems to work well, but more exhaustive test of the DDR3 interface are still to be done.

OHR Support

OHWR maintenance on 2011-02-07 morning (Monday)

added by Enrique García on 2011-02-02 18:05:20.012409 Hello everyone, The ohwr site will be under maintenance for 30 minutes next monday. We’ll be updating from Redmine 1.0.3 to Redmine 1.1.1. We’ll also make some minor aesthetic changes.

FMC PCIe Carrier PFC

03-02-2011: First DMA transfer to/from DDR3

A first DMA transfer to the PFC DDR3 and back to the host has been done this morning. The DDR3 interface seems to work well, but more exhaustive test of the DDR3 interface are still to be done.

FMC DEL 1ns 4cha

03-02-2011: PCB assembled and powered up

One prototype PCB has been assembled in our lab and immediately powered up. All power supplies are correct and the board’s I2C peripherals respond.

FMC Carrier tester

Two cards assembled

Two tester cards have been assembled and powered up. All I2C peripherals on board are responding. Python scripts are underway.

OHR Support


added by Enrique García on 2012-01-27 11:15:32.173049 Hello everyone, Next morning we’ll be doing some server updates on the OHWR main server. As usual, the maintenance job will happen next monday at 08:30 CEST.


28-01-2011: VHDL code review held

Five CERN engineers have spent in total over nine days of work to review the VHDL code of the NanoFIP design. The total code of the design amounts to 10750 lines (including extensive comments and empty lines) in thirty files.


Great Progress!

Simon and Bruce have been busy setting to work the Rhino platform and making excellent progress. Last night we had the first successful communications between the two CX4 ports at full throttle.

FMC DEL 1ns 4cha

18-01-2011: PCB layout received for review.

The PCB layout has been received for review. It will be reviewed within a day and then quickly three prototypes will be built. In parallel the design will be reviewed by CERN’s design office and complete production files will be generated so that the design will be easier to be built by industry.