
White Rabbit Switch - Testing

Jabber Meeting 22/02/2012


FMC Projects

21-02-2012: XTech FMC front-panel kit eases ordering

XTech, the only company that we are aware off that manufactures FMC front panels has now a new part number for a kit that includes all FMC mechanical components: the panel with its EMC gasket, two 10mm standoffs and all required screws.

White Rabbit Switch - Testing

Design Proposal for the Networking Testbencher

Documents uploaded

White Rabbit Switch - Testing

Jabber Meeting 07/02/12

You will find attached the log of today’s jabber meeting. Quick summary: - We will deal with production tests first. - Many of them will need bare metal in the ARM CPU, i.

White Rabbit Switch - Testing

Test Framework comparsion

Alessandro has compared different Test Framworks, see in files tag

FMC Projects

FMC projects & co. presented in FOSDEM 2012

A bunch of us attended FOSDEM 2012 in Brussels, Belgium. Presentations included the FMC kit, Self-Describing Wishbone and the ZIO software framework for Linux software support of IO gear.

FMC TDC 1ns 5cha

02-02-2012: V2 design ready

Based on the experience with the V1 prototype, nine Issues were found. Corrections have been made to the schematics and PCB layout and these will be reviewed on 7 February. After this CERN’s design office will generate the final production files.

Simple VME FMC Carrier SVEC

Schematics review held

Three months after CERN placed the order for the design, we received the schematics for the Simple VME FMC Carrier (SVEC). One week later the first design review came up with suggestions to make the design even simpler and more compatible to the SPEC design that it should follow as closely as possible.

CERN Open Hardware Licence

31-01-2012: OHL being discussed on is a reader-supported news site dedicated to producing the best coverage from within the Linux and free software development communities. In response to CERN’s Call for Comments currently discusses improvements to the CERN OHL licence.