
OHR Meta Project

26-03-2013: Open Hardware Development presentation

On 19 February Erik made for the electronics community at CERN the presentation Open Hardware Development. While based on the presentation made at the Accelerator conference ICALEPCS, it has been expanded by the interesting sections “Experience with industry” and “Why does it seem to work?

White Rabbit

21-02-2013: GSI receives V3.3 switches

GSI in Germany has received their first production quality V3.3 switches. They were connected to V3.2 switches (upstream) and to another node (downstream) and it worked in a plug and play fashion.



Federico Vaga and Alessandro Rubini presented ZIO to FOSEDM ‘13. The slide of the presentation are available in the documents section. The presentation started with a rapid overview of the framework and its features.

OHR Meta Project

31-01-2013: 100 projects on ohwr!

We have done some manual counting of statistics on the Open Hardware Repository. There are 100 projects on ohwr: 52 hardware projects 39 HDL or Software projects 9 other projects There are eleven instititutes leading the different projects:

White Rabbit

24-01-2013: switch passes CE label tests

The White Rabbit switch v3.3. passed successfully all the electrical tests related with power, electrical safety, labels, etc… related to the CE label for industrial facilities. Last year it had already passed all the EMI tests (emission, etc).



Today, 2013-01-24, we released fmc-bus-v2013-01. This supports multi-mezzanine carriers, like the svec, and it is being used successfully with two fine-delay mezzanines, as well as on the spec with a single mezzanine.

White Rabbit Standardization

PTP revision process officially started

The revision process of IEEE1588 (PTP) standard is officially starting to take place. The Call for Participants has been sent. It calls for participation in a Study Group to develop the Project Authorization Request (preliminary description of the changes to be included in the revision).


zio version 1.0

I just pushed commit “zio-beta4-96-g1678b01” as zio-v1.0 . This is 96 commits since we tagged beta4, and in the last two weeks a lot has changed to the better, simplifying the internal hairy details and

Simple PCIe FMC carrier SPEC

16-01-2013: Production test improved

Open Hardware doesn’t stop at just having a good hardware design. We at CERN believe it is also important to provide a good production test system with the hardware to ease the manufacturing process.