HDLMake Release Candidate 2.1 is out!

This release candidate is an incremental improvement based in the HDLMake 2.0 version introduced at the 8th White Rabbit workshop. In this way, new features has been added / tested and the documentation has been improved. Some of the highlighted features in this release are:

  • Incremental bitstream generation for Xilinx ISE in both local and remote mode.
  • Stable and documented post and pre synthesis/simulation commands.
  • Stable and documented custom variables and conditional design hierarchy generation.

After the release candidate 2.1 has been conveniently tested and debugged by the users, this version will become the new master (if new features are requested, these will go to version 2.2). In the meantime, you can access the source code and the documentation in the following links:

Note*: In order to avoid conflicts and to make order in the project branches, the Gitflow workflow has been adopted. From 2015 onwards, all the project contributors should be aware of the new developer guidelines. Otherwise, the contributions could not be merged into the master branch.