Transparent Bridge Wrapper for EBM

A transparent bridge approach over UDP should be feasible,
but there are restrictions for this usecase.

These would be:

- Only one packet in flight at any given time to avoid reordering

- EBM will stall until all operations are ack’ed or time out is hit
- Timeout must be in the range of 2 seconds (!) to rule out late packet arrival

The wishbone bus assumes lossless and error free transmission
which UDP does not offer. We chose UDP for various reasons
in the timing system, first and foremost because of the low
overhead and the fact that we would not have the time for
retransmission anyway. The Timing master will use a hardware
EB master in the next release, but the situation is somewhat
simpler because it will broadcast and does not expect an answer.

A transparent bridge however means blocking the device until
read operations fetched their data and are acknowledged,
which can be slow, flawed because of packet reordering or a
packet might be lost entirely.
To my opinion, satisfying the Wishbone requirement would mean
either using TCP, recreate its functionality (which is redundant)
or introduce conditions under which this bridge can be called
transparent even when using UDP and WB standard is still satisfied.